Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cleaning tip-bathroom


A cleaning tip, or two, that you may find useful.  As I say on my Web page
, these are tips that have been emailed to me, or that I have found on the Internet.  I have not tried all of them and do NOT guarantee their effectiveness.  If you do try one and it works, or if you have another one that works for you, please let me know.
Today let's address the cleaning of the one room we all hate to tackle...the bathroom!  Ewww!  I'd like to trade this job with that of the ol' man...taking out the trash.  LOL  Well, here are a few tips that I hope makes this nasty job a wee bit easier.

Bathroom Cleaning

Bathrooms can be a source for all sorts of cleaning problems. Keeping mildew under control in the bathroom can be a challenge. Try spraying a mixture of 50% hydrogen peroxide and 50% water on the walls every six months to prevent mildew. Cut the seam off of the bottom of the plastic shower curtain to keep mold from growing there. Also, put a couple cups of bleach in the back of the toilet every few weeks to help control germs. Be careful that children and pets don't come into contact with this water.

Bathroom Odors

Bathroom odors can be controlled by putting cotton balls filled with vanilla extract in bowls or under the sink. Also put baking soda in the bottom of the trash cans to absorb odors.

Use car wax on the clean shower walls everysix months or so to prevent soap scum from sticking. (Be sure NOT to get any of it on the shower floor!!!)  Vinegar works well on soap scum, especially hot vinegar. Try heating up vinegar in the microwave, clean the microwave and take the vinegar to the bathroom to clean the soap scum from the shower curtain and walls.


This was my daily OM from yesterday.  I thought it appropriate to post today since most of us will be going here or there to get together with family or friends at some point this week. 

December 18, 2006
The Gift of Sincerity

Holiday Obligations

During the holiday season it is easy to feel scattered and overwhelmed. We may feel obligated to send cards, buy gifts, bake sweets, host parties, or give hostess gifts. But there is no need to feel any obligation when we commit to being our best selves as fully and sincerely as we can. Because then we are already giving the best and most precious gift we have to offer: our presence.

At any gathering, we each bring our own unique light to the party. When we think back on pleasant memories of events in our own past, we recall the fun and love that was shared, or the moments that touched us far more than anything else. A sense of obligation rarely brings out the joy within or moves us in any meaningful way. So as we walk through the holiday season, let’s choose to only give what we can give joyfully, lovingly, and sincerely—whether the gift is a smile, a compliment, a handmade card, or friendship. Once out from under the ‘should’s, we will be free to share the love and kindness we sincerely feel with those who we truly value—from the mailman to our nearest and dearest.

Each gift we give and card we send carries the energy of our intention. If we are not giving from a true desire to share, it’s loss of time and energy that could be better spent by sharing life’s best gifts: love and joy. When we live each moment to the best of our abilities, then every second becomes a gift shared with the universe. Our positive choices have a ripple effect, touching those near and far, friends and strangers. In that way, sharing the light of our beautiful and unique presence becomes the best present we could possibly give, to ourselves and everyone else.


That's about all for this morning.  I am a bit busy this week but will try to keep up with my journal posts.  Now I am off to try to get around and get some Christmas shopping done today.  I am probably only about half done, if that.  Oh goodness!  I have so much to do!  LOL 

Many hugs!

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