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I believe that being a housewife and mother is a full-time job. The key to being successful at any job is organization.
When one gets their first own place it is a good idea to sit down with pen and paper and make a plan, a schedule if you will. I think it is much easier to get organized and keep things clean if you have a plan. As time goes by, you will most likely be able to get rid of a written schedule as you become used to your schedule of doing things every week and it becomes a part of your everyday life.
Grab a calendar and take a look at it. There are times when you will want to major cleaning. For instance, perhaps May would be a good time to wash the windows. Also to shampoo the winter gunk out of your carpets. Every 6 months, or so, you should also turn the matteress on your bed over to keep it from developing those saggy spots.
Then come the end of October or the beginning of November do it again. This is a good time for me because the holidays are coming up and I like to have the carpets cleaned around then. Write these chores down when you want to do them on the calendar.
Monthly cleaning chores may include things like cleaning the refrigerator, dusting the cabinet with all the little knick-knacks, changing your box of baking soda in the refrigerator and behind the toilet (I keep one there for odors), etc. Pick a good date like the first Saturday of every month and write it down on your calendar for every month.
Take a look at the things that you need to do every other week or so. This is going to be different for different people. It will depend on how clean you like things and on how big your familyis. For instance, a single woman living alone might only need to clean her bathroom every other week. But a large family may need need to do it once a week. If it is a large family with 6 boys, they'll probably need to clean the batheroom every day! LOL
Now look at the chores you do weekly and daily. Write them down and approximately how much time it takes to do them and how many times a week you need to do them. Now that you have a list of what you want to do weekly and daily, make a schedule for yourself.
Write down the days of the week and when you think it will be best for you to do each chore. Be sure to include simple things, even if it only takes a minute. For example, I make my bed every morning before I get into the shower. I can't stand for my bed to be unmade. The rest of the room may be a disaster, but the moment your bed gets made you will notice the room looks much, much better.
Once you have the schedule made you may find that being organized and having a set schedule actually helps you to save time in your day. As I said, as you repeatedly do it over and again every week, it will just become routine and you probably won't need a written schedule.
But then ya'll might think this is just silly. I can be anal retentive sometimes. I am one of those people who makes a list of what I need to do every day, who I want to call, what I want to get at the store (organized by the order of the aisles in the store). Heck, my underwear are folded! How sick is that? LMAO!
Well, that's it for the moment. I hope you all have a wonderfully happy day!
1 comment:
Hello! Hope you are doing ok.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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