Thursday, February 21, 2008

My 22 year old baby

I am feeling...ambivilent, proud, happy, sad, a bit it really possible to feel all of this at the same time?  The day your son calls and says that he got into the Army National Guard you will know.  David leaves for training on April 29th.

I am proud and yet a little sad.  Is it really possible that my first born is already this old?



Anonymous said...

hey Jill my 18 year old son signed up for the Army National Gaurd he has to graduate in June then he leaves in November but he does weekend gaurd duty now.. so i know where your coming from... hugs shawna

Anonymous said...

Almost as impossible to believe as my 19 year old getting married in June (she'sll be 20 by then) and her husband will be leaving for Iraq in July or August....Kids grow up way too fast.....(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I understand, I am sure I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes.

Anonymous said...

I understand completely, I remember when my 18 year old baby enlisted and left.  He's now out and working with a police department - and that brought on a whole new set of emotions!  Anyway, the range of emotions is indescribable when our boys leave for the military.


Anonymous said...

Be very proud and as an American, I am very honored of everyone who is willing to serve and protect us.  You did a good job Mama.

Thank him for all of us