Thursday, May 10, 2007

This story about simpson has my panties in a bunch

Have y'all read the latest oj story?  If not, you really ought to go and read it, at least if your going to continue to read my little rant here, lol.  Go ahead, click the link and read the story, I'll wait for ya.
Okay, done?  Now isn't that just something?  Can you believe the gall of this man?!  I am referring to simpson.  I refuse to give him the respect of even capitalizing his name.  He doesn't even deserve that much!. 
First he plays the race card and wins the little sham of a trial and got away with murder.  And now he can't believe that there are actually people here in the real world who don't like him because he is a wife beater and murderer.  Which is why he has to claim that the reason he was refused service is because of the color of his skin. 
Hm, how ironic.  He refuses to pay the families of his victims the amount they were awarded in a court of law (civil trial), and now it sounds like he and his little lawyer, Yale Galanter, are gearing up to sue Mr. Ruby.  It wasn't the colorof your skin simpson!  It was because you beat your wife, murdered her and an innocent man and then refused to pay the amount owed to families who sued you in civil court!  Freaking idiot!
Let me make my feelings about this "person" (simpson) perfectly clear. I think he is SCUM!  I think he is a lying piece of filth!  I think he is a wife beater!  I think he is a murderer!  Those are just my opinions...and they have absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin.  I could care less if he was yellow, tan, white or freaking purple!  I still wouldn't like the S.O.B.
He could be standing by the side of the road, car broken down, bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and throat, having a heart attack while a dog peed on his leg and a bird chit on his head...and I would NOT stop to help him.  Let that happen and have him and his attorney accuse me of being racist!  It has nothing to do with skin!  Why are they playing that dang race card yet again?  Maybe I should write to him and ask for a donation and when he refuses to give it to me, sue him in court because I believe he didn't give it because of the color of my skin. 
I'm not saying that sometimes people don't do things based on their racist beliefs, I'm sure that many, many people do.  However, Mr Ruby was NOT being racist.  He just chose not to play into simpson's little "celebrity" game and having people going "gah-gah" over being in the same restaurant with a "celebrity"...when in actuality they were in the same room with a wife beating murderer.  Mr Ruby didn't like the commotion of having a killer in his establishment and chose to politely ask him to leave. 
I applaud Mr Ruby and his strong moral conviction and the courage to stand up for his beliefs in a world where so many people would probably be thrilled to get the autograph of a scumbag like simpson or scott peterson.  Yes, I am comparing simpson to scott peterson.  In my eye they are two of a kind.  They both killed a vibrant, beautiful young woman for their own selfish reason.  One also killed an unborn innocent baby boy and the other also killed an innocent young man barely in the prime of his life.  The only difference is that one got away with murder and the other one didn't. 
Hm, funny thing there about the "race" huh?  I mean it was the big dollar celebrity who happens to be African American that got away with killing his white ex-wife, and the average joe blow white guy that was found guilty.  Just an observation.  Not implying that I think peterson should have gotten off, because I think he should have been hung by his b*llz and left to die a slow and painful death.  But I find it intriguing that the one got away with murder and the white guy didn't.  Hm, maybe that race card is a game we should all be playing. 
I mean the next time I'm standing at the grocery check out and the cashier says my coupon has expired perhaps I'll begin shouting "it's because I'm a blue-eyed blonde 1/2 Mexican, isn't it?  Racist!  Racist!  I'm gonna sue!"  Hm, I wonder if that would work?  Probably not, maybe only rich athletes can play that card. 
I know...I've gone off on a pretty extreme and wild thought tangent here.  But simpson and his dang antics really makes my blood boil.  Hey simpson...I think your an azz!  I think your egotistical, self-centered, selfish, ugly and a wife beating S.O.B.  That is just my opinion of course, if you disagree with me, I guess you can sue me in court.  Hm, maybe then I'll just move to Florida and play the hide from payment game like you do.

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