Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wicked weather in NW Ohio and AOL changing journals...again

Imagine our surprise when we looked down the street this morning as the ol' man was leaving for work and saw this...

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Thank God this was 3 houses down from us, as we have 2 huge trees in front of our home, and that it fell out towards the street rather than towards a home.  Thank you Lord for reminding us of your power and good grace.

Luckily it wasn't a real big tree or it would have done damage to one of the homes across the street, which is only about 25 feet wide.  But it was this lovely little gnarly tree.  There must have been some real damage to that trunk, look how it just split off of there.

Now, if your in the middle of posting and about to add a picture...don't click on the links from the Add Image WILL lose your I found out the hard way.  I just hope that AOL add Image Shack to their list of accepted image posting groups as that is where I have ALL of my images. 

I don't know what will happen if they don't.  However, I have this image of all of my images turning into those dreaded white boxes with red X's.  Yikes!  OMG!  Can you image me having to go through my journal of over a year and adding all the pictures to another site and then uploading the new site pictures back on here?  Not gonna happen. 

Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

I don't think you'll lose them, but don't you get a url on image shack?  You can use the url link and paste that in.... photobucket works that way.  Thanks for heads up on doing it in the midst of an entry

Anonymous said...

Not a big tree?  Geeesh it's big enough to be scarey!  Glad there's not a car or worse under it!

Anonymous said...

Glad you were all safe and sound!  -  Barbara