These are home health remedies that have been emailed to me or that I found on the internet. I have not tried them all and do NOT guarantee the effectiveness of them. If you try one and it works, or if you have one that works for you, please email me. Thanks.
Coughs and Asthma relief
- Soak almonds overnight. Remove their skin. Make a paste of these almonds with little butter and sugar. Very useful for a dry cough.
- Hot tea with lemon and raspberry jam, drink as much as possible
Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for cough relief. - Express the juice from garlic. Mix 10 – 15 drops in warm water and take internally for asthma relief.
Ohh mah it Thursday already? How can that be?! It seems like it was just the day before the night before Christmas, when I was taking things out of the freezer to thaw, making a few pies, and still had one or two gifts to wrap.
Now it is almost January 2thousand6...Where did the year go? Wasn't I just pregnant not long ago? Who is that short person walking around, pointing her finger at me and seems to speak Dutch? Wow! Time really does fly.
This time 2 years ago I was pregnant and about to learn I could lose the baby without surgery. My oldest child had just turned 18. Mom was finishingher first round of treatment and about to begin chemo. Dad was still alive and excited about the new baby. Ray was still confused as to how he had just turned 40 and was about to be a daddy again.
I just can't believe how quickly these past two years seem to have gone by. A little of that might have to do with the fact that I have this small person who seems to be able to turn my world upside down in the wink of an eye. Heck, I can barely remember my name from day to day, much less what year it is, lol.
Oh Holy floating fish! It's Thursday! It's the 29th! #$%^ it! That means yesterday was the 28th...David's 20th birthday!
images That would be that old age thing kicking in. Well, at least I know what he wants for his, mullah, greenbacks. Remember when you could give your kids a one dollar bill and they thought they were rich? {{{sigh}}} Those were the good ol' days, lol. David...
images No matter how big you get, you'll always be my first baby.
David is thinking right, okay, "enough with the cute-sie stuff mom". And he's right, of course. I mean he is 20 years old now. He doesn't want to see little hearts and teddy bears, lol. No...what he wants to see is some scantily clad hottie dancing. Right? we go...some of ya'll might want to cover yer eyes. Ready?

Well, what were you expecting? I'm a cool mom,but I ain't that cool, lol!
Happy 20th David! I love you!
Ya'll have a great day!
Jill Marie
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