First, I want to wish everyone a happy Friday the 13th. I wish you all a safe and happy day. Watch for guys named Freddy, Jason, Hannibal or fella's carrying around a chain-saw (or any deadly weapon) for no apparent reason.

Okay, time for another Friday funny. One day when David (my infamous 20 yr old) was about 3, we were driving from Bowling Green to Waterville. Waterville is a quaint little town with lots of neat little antique stores about 20 minutes from Bowling Green. It is on the other side of the Maumee river.
Just as we reached the outskirts of Waterville, you have to go across a bridge over the river. (We can talk about my fear of bridges another time.) David was in his car seat in the passenger seat upfront (back then they didn't recommend to keep the kids in back). He was looking out the window when he turned to me and asked "Mommy, whats that?" He was pointing to the river.
I said "That is the Maumee river."
A few seconds went by and we were just about off the bridge when he turned to me and said, with a big smile on his face, "Mom, that is the David and Daddy river too, huh?"
Realizing that he had heard Mommy instead of Maumee, there isn't really a lot of difference, I smiled at him and said "Your right babe, that is the David and Daddy river too".
Gosh I make beautiful and smart babies, don't I? Just too dang adorable. David ended up being my child that excelled at math. He doesn't even have to study it, it just seems to come naturally to him.
He is also an extremely gifted artist. From about the age of 3 he would always sit and draw pictures, very detail oriented pictures. He didn't even care for crayons really. Just give him a piece of paper and a pencil and he would stay occupied for the next 30 minutes drawing.
Oh, but he was such a perfectionist. If he made a minor mistake (in his eyes) he would get so angry. He'd try erasing and if he couldn't get it completey removed, he would get very mad and crumple the paper.
For awhile he talked about becoming an architect. I think he would have been great at that. However, the only school anywhere near here that offers that as a major is in Cincinnati. David would rather not go that far away. I believe he wants to be independent and grown up, but still near his parents. Nice to know, but a little sad because I think he would have loved doing that.
So instead he is studying graphic art at a local community college and working at the Meijer's in Bowling Green. He keeps busy. He is a real good kid, if he could just get rid of that "lead foot".
Okay, I know Christmas is over and most of ya probably don't have a need for anymore recipe gifts, but this can be given any time of the year. Or you can make it up and use it yourself.
I bet it is a lot cheaper than going and buying boxes of Hamburger helper. What does that run now anyway? I think I pay about a dollar for the generic stuff. Make up a couple batches of this and store it.
Dang near Hamburger Helper Mix2 cups nonfat dry milk
1 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup beef bouillon powder
2 tablespoons onion flakes
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons dried parsley
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon seasoned salt
Mix the ingredients together and store in an airtight jar.
Attach the following recipes to the jar:
Chili Mac
1 pound ground beef, browned and drained
1 cup water
1/2 cup macaroni noodles (uncooked)
2 cans chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/2 cup mix
Combine all and simmer 20 minutes or until macaroni is cooked.
1 pound ground beef, browned and drained
2 cups water
1/2 cup mix
2 cups uncooked egg noodles
1/2 cup sour cream
Combine all except sour cream. Simmer 20 minutes or until noodles are tender. Stir in sour cream and serve.
Potato Beef Casserole
1 pound ground beef, browned and drained
3/4 cup water
6 potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
1/2 cup mix
Combine all and simmer, covered, until potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove cover and cook until excess water is evaporated.
Quick Lasagna
1 pound ground beef, browned and drained
1/2 cup mix
1 onion, chopped
2 cups water
16 ounces tomato sauce
3 cups lasagna noodles, uncooked, broken into bits
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
Combine all except mozzarella in large skillet. Bring to a boil, let simmer for 15 minutes or until noodles are cooked. Top with mozzarella. Turn off heat and let cheese melt.
Go have a wonderful Friday, remembering my earlier warning, lol. I will see ya'll later.

~Jill Marie
The things kids say....when my daughter was little, she would say "Momma, I'm a headache" when she had a headache....and I would say..."yes you are baby!"
I knew where that was going, Maumee LOL
My son excels in Math like that too, but my 5 year old daughter is the artist and my 11 year old daughter is the perfectionist...maybe I should shoot for a fourth and see if they get all the traits!
Dang, I fo'got it was the 13th...great..I just had my black cat put to sleep today, wonder if that will mess with the universe or something.
HI JILL! I added you to my favorites! Thanks so much for stopping by my J! Happy Friday the 13th! I loved what your son said, TOO CUTE! Kids are just amazing aren't they?? LOL HUGS
hi, thanks so much for stopping by my journal, it's much appreciated. You have a very informative, and well laid out journal, I like it! Thanks for sharing,hope to keep in touch.
peace, Ann
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